The mysterious veil which looms over Rtanj is still the reason for many scientific arguments. Some say this mountain is actually an ancient pyramid, the others think it was created by nature and the third opinion is that it is a work of a higher power.

From the plains of Eastern Serbia this mountain, which demands admiration, rises very suddenly, this at least we know for certain. Rare healing herbs grow on the perfectly shaped mountainside and its hidden inside parts are decorated by numerous underground streams, caves and caverns.

Rtanj represents a phenomenon which attracts more and more tourists, scientists, mountaineers and adventurers each year. Everybody who has visited this mountain at least once, claims that they felt some mysterious energy, that the air smells diffrently and that the nature looks unreal. Some of them even claim that they have been cured by the famous “Rtanj tea” and the others have found their peace there.

Experience the magic of Rtanj
The best way to experience the magic of this mountain is to take a walk, climb to the mountaintop Šiljak and enjoy the incredible view. The time it takes to climb to the top and to go down again depends on your physical fitness. There are several campsites and places where you can rest, so feel free to stop and catch your breath.

The exploration of Rtanj will be an amazing adventure which you surely won’t forget. The surroundings that will change from thick forests to rocky landscapes, from even to uneven ground and the abundance of healing herbs are only some of the things that await you, if you decide to visit this mountain. Fresh air and the wonderful view are the rewards that wait for you on the mountaintop.

On the mountaintop “Šiljak” (1565m) there is yet another interesting place, the symbol of the mountain as some refer to it, which tourist like to visit. The ruins of a church, a chapel dedicated to St. George is the place in question. Another interesting fact about this church is that it was built in honor of the late owner of the “Rtanj” mine in 1935. by his wife with the help of one thousand workers.

Today only the ruins remain, it was destroyed by dynamite when treasure hunters attempted to find the hidden gold.

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