Just over there, at the place where the natural and cultural resources create harmony, West Morava decided to show how wonderful nature is. Not fearing the steep massifs of Ovcar and Kablar Mountains, she boldly broke through the impressive cliffs and left three unique meanders behind. In addition to their unusual shape and beauty, two meanders represent a geomorphological phenomenon called “squeezed meanders”.
These unusual meanders, embraced by the rocky slopes of Mount Kablar, portray one of the most picturesque landscapes in Serbia. The best view of this masterpiece which only nature knew how to arrange can be best seen from the top of the mountain.
The view of the landscape seen from the highest point of this massif is hard to imagine. Unreal beauty of unspoiled nature in which protected plants and animals dwell unfolds before your eyes, fresh air raises your spirit while your view wonders over the landscapes of Central Serbia.
However, in order to experience adrenalin flowing through your veins, fresh air that gives power and excitement which offers the view of one of the most picturesque gorges, you need to visit this part of Serbia and see this for yourself. Yet another reason for you to come is the medieval monasteries that are hidden on the slopes of steep mountain ranges. There are eleven of them and for centuries, these holy places have been preserving history, culture and tradition of the Serbian people.
Peace, quiet and tranquility prevail over these monasteries, and valuable art that they own, makes this spiritual place special. History has written many pages here, of which, if they only could, the frescoes on the old monastery walls would certainly have a lot to say. Most of them are old, and some even several centuries old, and legends and myths have tried to solve many mysteries and beliefs that people attributed to them over time.
On the right side of the river Morava there are several monasteries – the Vavedenje (Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Ascension, Transfiguration, Holy Trinity Monastery and Sretenje (Presentation of Jesus at the Temple), while on the left bank of the Morava River there are: Annunciation Monastery, Ilinje, Jovanje, Nikolje, Assumption, as well as a church dedicated to St. Sava and cave-churchKadjenica. These holy places are the keepers of valuable relics, icons, old records and rare handwritten books.
The greatest number of beliefs about the Serbian monasteries in the Ovčar – Kablar gorge, is related to the time spent under the Turkish reign. All agree on one point – that these places served as spiritual refuge and shelter in troubled times to all who needed it. Similar stories are associated with remarkable caves Turčinovac and Kadjenica, which, if you are adventurous spirit, you absolutely must visit.
A tour to Ovcar Banja (Spa) will complete the enjoyment of sightseeing this impressive natural beauty protected by the Government of the Republic of Serbia by the decree of the first category as a landscape of exceptional characteristics and natural property of extraordinary importance.
There is an oasis of verdure and tranquility at the heart of the gorge, where mineral water originating from deep tectonic ruptures wells up. Its temperature is between 35 and 38ºC, it is very therapeutic and has a wide range of healing powers.
During summer months, swimming marathon and rafting are organized nearby this spa, and West Morava itself is a real paradise for swimmers and anglers. How could it not be? Beside extraordinary landscape variety, this area has very diverse flora and fauna. In fact, over 600 plants and hundreds of animal species have found a home here. Therefore, this area is well known as an inexhaustible source for the study of natural history.
Smoketree, hornbeam, small-leaved linden, large-leaved linden, black ash, February daphne (poisonous), Daphne blagayanacan be found in the gorge, and forest and pond turtle, colorful salamander, mink, marten, badger, wild cat, otter, Peregrine Falcon , golden eagle, gray heron, partridge … can be encountered.
Belgrade is 140 kilometers away from Čačak, but there are only eight kilometers between Čačak and Ovčar – Kablar gorge. Čačak, as the center of the region, is well connected to all major cities in Serbia by bus (Belgrade buses deploy for Čačak about every hour or two) as well as by train since it lies on the Niš–Pozega railway.
There are also direct bus lines from Belgrade to Ovčar Banja (several departures per day). Many organized tours to monasteries and the gorge are also available.
For more details about the schedule of departures of buses, you can call Čacak bus station (tel. 032 / 222-461), or look at the railway timetable on the site http://www.zeleznicesrbije.com/.
… Visit Čačak, the center of Morava Administrative District. Acquaint yourself with the city that is known for hosting many gourmet events and its rich history and cultural legacy. “Šumadijski rokenrol” (colloquial for folk music of the region) will undoubtedly win you over with charm, cheerful spirit and temperament.
… Enjoy the healingand mineral waters of Ovčar Banja, Atomska Banja and Slatinska Banja, spas that are located less than 20 kilometers from Čačak. In addition to the exceptional generosity of nature, and numerous medicinal properties of the mineral waters, hospitality and kindness of the local people will welcome you.
… Try the traditional specialties of Serbian cuisine at festivals such as “Pitijada” (aspic dishes competition), “Kupusijada” (cabbage dishes competition), or “Zlatni kotlić” (fish soup preparing competition), as well as adrenaline experience “Ovčar-Kablar regatta”.