The smell of linden and locust, ripe fruit near the road, vast pastures and rivers between wavy hills…this is the picture of a Serbian village and its lush nature, hidden far from the city hustle. Throughout history Serbia has always been known as the agricultural country, and today over half of population lives in the countryside. Numerous households nowadays offer accommodation and are open for tourists.
Each of them offers comfortable accommodation in ethno lodgings furnished with traditional household items or in bungalows that will meet all the needs of visitors. And all of that you can get at the lowest prices in the region.
Serbian village offers an ideal break from the hustle of city life, with unusual hospitality of local hosts and rich and healthy dishes of the traditional Serbian cuisine.
Serbian villages abound in fresh air, vast meadows, smell of flowers, pure spring waters, relaxed walks in nature, smiling faces…
Besides hunting and fishing, picking herbs or practicing some of the old crafts, visitors can also join their hosts in the field, extracting honey from the hive or making wine and “rakija” (a kind of brandy) in the autumn.
In summer and in autumn each house becomes a little factory for preparing “zimnica” (winter supplies), liqueur, balms, fruit preserves and juices according to old recipes.
People living in Serbian villages are still treasuring the traditional way of life, and especially ancient customs. Once everyday clothes, today Serbian folk costumes can be seen at village manifestations and fairs held year round, aside numerous handcrafts made of cloth, wood or copper. All these products are included in tourist offer of Serbian villages.