Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Social Democratic Party (SDP) leaders Cedomir Jovanovic and Boris Tadic on Sunday congratulated Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) President Aleksandar Vucic on the election victory, but remained confident that their parties will make it to the parliament, noting that they will not form a coalition with the SNS.

Speaking to reporters at the electoral headquarters of their coalition – which also includes the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina – they said that their preliminary results show that the coalition is above the threshold.

“Our results say that we are in the group of parties that are between five and six percent, but the results vary from moment to moment,” Tadic said.

Asked if they are disappointed with the result, Tadic said that “even crossing the threshold is a success in these circumstances,” adding that conditions were not fair.

He criticised the RTS over its coverage of the elections, referring to the national broadcaster as the “dishonour of journalism.”


Source: Tanjug


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