“Novak Djoković is a humanitarian, witty and charming young man who speaks several languages, who knows how to present himself to the public and he has one policy – to make Serbia a better place!”, said a renowned tennis expert Radmilo Armenulić for Serbia.com.

A Serb. Important in Serbia, in Europe, in the world… He’s not in politics. Successful in his job… Successful? Hmmm? Actually, he’s completely, entirely, definitely and totally the best in what he does, not only successful, young, hansom, witty, eloquent. He speaks several languages. He’s rich. He loves Serbia, he talks about Serbia, and he promotes Serbia in the world. He’s a humanitarian. Oh, yes, and he’s not in politics. Even if you don’t know who he is, you would love him at first sight and every mother in Serbia wants him for a son-in-law! But since you know that we’re talking about Novak Djoković, than you simply have to love him, even without all those virtues.

Novak Djoković, known as Nole around the world, is our biggest ambassador, not only according to the surveys, but this is also confirmed by the marketing, PR and sport experts. And when it comes to sports, especially tennis, there is no one more qualified to speak about Novak than our renowned tennis expert Radmilo Armenulić*.

– Let me tell you that many local companies have concluded numerous jobs thanks to Novak Djoković. He’s so recognizable and he represents us in the best possible way, that when foreigners hear “Serbia” and “Novak Djoković”, they are much more open for cooperation. His job is tennis, but everyone in the world knows who he is and his name opens a lot of opportunities, even in business – says Armenulić for Serbia.com.

However, it took lots of sweat and tears in order to gain such popularity. He had to learn how to behave on and off the court, how to respond to the audience, and above all, how to play tennis…

– Actually his personality has won hearts around the world. That is why he’s invited to be a guest in the most popular TV shows on the planet; that is why he’s always present in the media. He’s recognized as someone who can be an idol, but also a good commercial. For example, he was the only tennis player who was invited to the Film Festival in Nice, not even the great Roger Federer was invited, even though the Swiss tennis player is considered to be a tennis “gentleman”.

Nole has won Laureus Award for the best sportsman, competing aside the great Lionel Messi, Usain Bolt, Dirk Nowitzki… There is not much to add – Novak Djoković is not only the most popular sportsman in Serbia, he’s simply the most popular sportsman in the world – says Armenulić.

If we add the fact that Novak’s imitations of his colleagues are well known by everyone, as well as his singing and his humanitarian work, it’s clear that his world glory is not a coincidence.

– It’s superfluous to speak about Novak Djoković’s humanitarian work. After all, numerous medals go in favor of it.

And the fact that he’s witty, that he’s an easygoing person who can talk to everyone, not only because he speaks several languages, but also because he’s charming and he knows how to appear in public – it all speaks of his personality.

That is the thing that makes him “Novak Djoković”, the most famous sportsman and Serb in the world – Armenulić concludes for Serbia.com.

All that, plus the fact that he’s not in politics…

– Yes, yes, and the fact that he’s not in politics – Armenulić smiles. – Actually, his policy is: Only the best for Serbia!

And how not to say “thank you” to such a man for everything he’s doing for Serbia?

It’s not possible. So – Nole, thank you!

* Radmilo Armenulić holds the world record as a national selector as he was leading the Davis Cup representation of Yugoslavia for 17 years and three months.

Two recognitions for Nole

On April 28th, 2011 Novak Djoković was awarded the Order of St. Sava medal of the first order, the highest decoration of the Serbian Orthodox Church, by the Serbian patriarch Irinej “for his love for church, helping Serbian people, churches and monasteries of the SOC”.

On the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia, on February 15th 2012, the president of Serbia Boris Tadić decorated him with the Order of the Karadjordje’s Star which is awarded for outstanding merit and success in representing the state and its citizens.

Photo: www.novakdjokovic.com

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