Serbia is reviving the trilateral mechanism that also includes Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), with emphasis on economic cooperation, says Serbian Ambassador to Turkey Danilo Vucetic.

In an interview to Turkey’s Zaman newspaper, Vucetic said that the BiH is a very important economic partner for Serbia.

He said that the situation in the BiH is complex and that Serbia respects the Dayton Agreement.

“We have very good special relations with Republika Srpska, but our orientation is to develop at the maximum level our relations with Sarajevo, with Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole.”

Turkey wants more presence in Serbia economically because “if we have good economic cooperation, we have good cooperation in some other domains,” he said.

“We respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is no doubt about it. On the other side, we respect the architecture of the Dayton Agreement,” Vucetic said.

Source: Tanjug

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