An activity that combines a bit of discovering new worlds and a slight hint of fear from the unknown, diving is a true refreshment from the everyday office atmosphere.

What is a trip to a river or a lake, or even more to the seaside, for us common people, overwhelmed by obligations and work in stuffed and suffocating offices? But OK, let’s not exaggerate – wouldn’t it be great to jump in a lake and just keep on diving into the blue after the long week at work?

So we’re diving and we’re not emerging to get air, but we aren’t drowning… How come? Well, the answer is – scuba diving!

Now, there are two options – if you believe to the word of Charles Darwin, this could be the trip to the past because you could try to go way back in a time when life was created – beneath the surface; if you, however, believe in God, than you wouldn’t be looking for your ancestors in the water, and diving will be just an adventure for you.

No matter what you believe in, and we wouldn’t want to question it, there is one thing you can be certain of – you will enjoy diving.

Of course, you could venture and try free-diving, but scuba diving gives you the opportunity to stay beneath the surface for a longer period of time giving you a unique sensation of freedom.

Discovery of new worlds, exclusion of external influences, and a slight hint of fear of the unknown that causes that special feeling in your stomach that makes us try new things in the first place – well that’s a thrill you should taste. Because, it’s not only a break from everyday work, it is also soul food…

Now you can understand why it’s so intoxicating in being a diver. But, if you want to go diving, you will have to make a little effort and spend some money and time, as it’s obligatory to finish the training in order to go diving. A physical examination must be completed before the training.

After the training you will get a diploma, diving card and “carnet” (diving certificate with the information about your dives, category and physical examinations), that allow you to join a diving club and go diving anywhere in the world.

In Serbia almost all rivers and lakes are used for diving – rivers: the Danube, the Sava, the Tisa, the Morava; lakes – both natural and artificial lakes; and canals: Great Bačka Canal and Danube-Tisa-Danube canal – the only condition is clear water and approachable bank. The Belgrade diving clubs often organize diving at Ada Ciganlija.

If you would like to continue your training, just check out these advanced specialized courses: night diving, navigation, wreck diving, deep sea diving, diver-rescuer… All these possibilities and we began with a desire to get out of the office!

Rules – it’s useful for a long lasting life

There are numerous rules when it comes to diving and they are here so that you would be safe. These rules concern the behavior of beginners at training, in the pool, the behavior in a boat, in water, in free-diving… We’re giving you just some of the basic rules (although they are all important). Having these rules in mind, you will live longer.

Before the dive

*You shouldn’t eat 2 hours before diving

*If diving, you should be relaxed, have a good night sleep and be in a good mood

*Get informed about the dive

*Check your equipment

*Get to know your partner’s equipment

During the dive

*Never go diving alone

*Stick to your partner/group

*Adjust the diving tempo to the group/partner

After the dive

*Drink lots of fluids (non carbonated)

*Wash the equipment with fresh water

*Put the equipment at its place

*Note the dive

“Dive Serbia”

The project “Diving Caravan – Dive Serbia” was initiated in 2008 with the aim to introduce divers with possibilities of diving in lakes in Serbia.

To date, the “Caravan” visited numerous diving locations.

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