Let your body move faster than a speeding car. Conquer your fear of height and experience the adventure of skydiving in Serbia

If you want to get close to the fulfillment of the eternal human desire to fly (even though you would be falling actually) even if it takes defying death, if you want to try having your body moving faster than most cars (180-200 km/h if you’re falling with your stomach down, and even over 350 km/h with your head or feet down), then skydiving is the kind of extreme sports for you.

Besides, you must have in mind that it is not a cheap sport – especially if you would like to buy all the equipment or get the sport parachuting license “A”.

But, if it’s too much for you to pay for the traditional training, if hard and long training is not your thing or you don’t want to wait for the medical certificate, but you are tempted to pounce to the ground as soon as possible – a tandem jump is the ideal solution for you.

padobranstvoTandem jump is a type of skydiving where a student skydiver (that would be you) is connected to a specially trained tandem instructor. Most skydivers have started with the tandem jump.

However, there are some conditions for tandem jumping as well, depending on the skydiving club – you must be at least 13 or 16 years old and you must feel capable to do it.

And another thing – you mustn’t be overweight, i.e. a bit chubby – the limit is 100 kilograms (in some clubs the limit is 110 kg).

So skydiving can be additional encouragement to improve your health – taking care of your body weight and reducing it if necessary, you will be doing yourself a great favor and you will be able to make your dream come true – taste the thrill of the free fall!

Tandem jumping is organized at the sports airport Lisičji Jarak near Belgrade, on the Belgrade-Zrenjanin road, at the Ečka airport in Zrenjanin and at sport airports in Novi Sad, Kikinda, Subotica

In free fall you can do everything birds do, except flying upwards.

The first skydivers – husband and wife

A Frenchman André -Jacques Garnerin (1769-1823) entered the history as the first man who jumped from balloon on October 22nd 1797 in Paris.

Garnerin jumped from over 900 meters and landed safely by using a parachute made of silk. He is also known as the inventor of the first parachute without frames (made without rigid materials).

His wife Jeanne-Geneviève, maiden name Labrosse, was the first female parachutist. She jumped from balloon on October 11th, 1802.

André -Jacques Garnerin died in an accident when a beam struck him while he was making a balloon.

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