Palaces and fortresses scattered around Serbia give evidence of turbulent past but also of romantic love stories, duels and bohemian nights

If you’re looking for a true history adventure, visit some of the medieval fortresses, palaces or manor houses around Serbia. Discover the monumental stone walls and towers erected above cities, rivers and valleys, and listen to their legends carved in stone.

Hidden beauties of ancient fortresses, protection from menaces and enemies, bowed in front of time; nevertheless, they kept their mysticism and values. Seven fortresses on the Danube lining up from Bačka to the Djerdap gorge (eng. the Iron Gates of the Danube) are just some of the most powerful fortifications in Serbia – Petrovaradin fortress, Belgrade fortress, Smederevo fortress

However, if you prefer an adventure like in fairytales or just wish to uncover some old love stories, duels and bohemian nights, visit the old palaces and manor houses with their chambers and lush parks.

They were built by the powerful and wealthy families from the 17th to the 20th century, especially in Vojvodina where there are 72 of them, and stand as testimonies to nobility, richness and importance of their owners.

The members of the Dunđerski family have built the most beautiful palaces and manor houses. According to a story, there was a nine year old boy who accompanied the famous count Eszterhazy on one occasion, and held a concert at the opening ceremony of a new palace. The boy later became legendary as – Franz Liszt.

Many of these fortresses have mysterious underground rooms whose moist walls hide unusual stories. Some of them will be described by your guide, but many will remain an eternal mystery. These mystical places of legend carved in stone, became the subject of research of many international researchers and environment for recording movies.

Therefore, don’t wait, but embark on an exciting adventure of discovery of the eternal guardian of secrets.

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