Today, Orthodox churches that follow the Julian calendar mark Veliki petak (Orthodox Good Friday), the saddest day in Christianity, the day when Jesus Christ was crucified and died.
On this day, in Serbia as well as in many other Orthodox countries across the globe, during liturgies Christ’s time of death and his taking down from the cross is commemorated.
On Veliki petak, a “plaštanica” (a shroud depicting Christ’s entombment) is placed on a decorated table in front of the altar. After that it is carried outside by priests who circle the church with it three times. This event represents Christ’s funeral. The “plaštanica” is thereafter placed in front of the altar where believers can come and pay their respect to it until the evening of Saturday preceding Easter.
As this Friday commemorates the sacrifice of Jesus through his crucifixion, Divine liturgies aren’t celebrated (unless they coincide with the Great Feast of the Annunciation), but public readings (“carski časovi”) of particular Gospels about Christ’s death are held in churches.
As far as traditions go, all Christians fast on Veliki petak, and in Serbia no housework or fieldwork should be done.
On this day, Jesus Christ was taken to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate who sentenced him to be crucified. Looking upon the people and soldiers who tortured him, Jesus said “Forgive them father for they know not what they do”. They placed upon his head a crown of thorns and on his back a heavy cross and led him to Golgotha, where he was crucified between two thieves.
According to belief on this day women shouldn’t take needles because their hands will blister. On Veliki petak you’re not supposed to cook, bake bread or light a fire. No music should be played or celebrations held.
Still, not all traditions regarding Veliki petak are so grim. In fact, there a lot of unusual and interesting ones in Serbia. One of them goes to say that whoever washes their hair on this day, won’t have headaches for a year. In some parts of Serbia, it is believed that girls who pick flowers from church yards and put them under their pillows will see the man they’re going to marry in a dream on the night before the Great Saturday.
Also, you are supposed to sweep your house and then throw the broom away so that you would cast all evil from the house with it. In Serbia, it is also believed that Veliki petak is the best day to graft trees, as on this day every graft will take.
There is one very bizarre old custom in Serbia few people know about. Namely, the person suffering from stomach aches should kill a rabbit on Veliki petak and put its hide where it hurts so that the pain would pass.
And finally, we’ll mention two beautiful traditions respected throughout Serbia on this day. In some parts of Serbia, it customary for believers to pass under the special table (representing Christ’s tomb) on which the plaštanica is placed after they’ve paid their respect. According to belief, you should pray to God and make a wish while your passing under it because your wish will be granted.
The other, probably one of the most beloved and joyful Easter traditions, is the colouring of Easter eggs. On Veliki petak, families in Serbia gather to paint and decorate eggs together. They are traditionally painted red as this colour symbolises the innocently spilt blood of Christ as well as new life.
Featured photo: Telegraf