On Sunday at the panel “Entrepreneurship as a way of life- how to start and develop business”, Marinkovic said that both the Government and Assembly with representatives of private sector would work on dynamical development of start-up business and define the plan and program of support for the entrepreneurial initiatives of young and educated people- especially within the IT sector.
Marinkovic also said that founding of the Guarantee fond for young entrepreneurs is potentially one of the solutions for supporting the realization of business ideas and innovative projects.
As he said, it is important to use the possibility of motivating the large private companies to finance the project of a great quality which would be realized through the model of tax incentives for socially responsible companies.
“What the state will do for sure is drastically reduce the registration of start-up companies, ban the para-fiscal levies and secure logistic support for the forming of the HUBs, especially for the companies which activity is related to new technologies and its innovations”, it is said from his cabinet.
Young leaders and entrepreneurs from the 10 countries have attended the summit, and for them this was the opportunity of experience exchanging which could be helpful in development of entrepreneurship and leadership of the young in the region.
Source: Tanjug