Governor of the National Bank of Serbia Jorgovanka Tabakovic gave a lecture on current and future trends in Serbia’s banking sector to students at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade on Tuesday, during which she pointed out that the stability and security of the banking sector had been preserved thanks mostly to a prudent and conservative approach to the supervision process.

The governor said during the lecture that the dynamic and continuous development of the banking market called for a dynamic and continuous development of supervision. The role of the supervisor is not a passive one and it implies initiating changes that should lead to the realization of the primary objectives of the National Bank of Serbia.

We identify the needs and opportunities for development as we go, analyzing the local market specifics, but some improvement needs occur as a result of the process of harmonization with the EU and the arrangements with the IMF. And we, just like you students, are constantly learning and working to improve ourselves, Tabakovic said.

The governor also spoke about harmonization with the EU acquis in the field of banking and about the EU regulatory framework for recovery and restructuring of banks, the NBS press office said in a release.


Source: Tanjug

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