On the other hand, they reproach us for the architectural discord in our cities, for the dilapidated facades and the graffiti, stray dogs, arrogant cab drivers as well as nervous drivers, the lack of info-panels in English and names of the streets in Latin script, and most of all for smoking being allowed in public spaces, the ’’Turistički svet’’ portal reports.
Tourist don’t like the fact that here people smoke cigarettes from dawn to dusk and say that there needs to be a zone for non-smokers in which they would feel comfortable.
They are amazed by the appearance of Serbian women, how polished they look, because they know that standard of living here is not so high.
– The women dress very nicely, they are fashionable, they probably spend all their earnings on clothes, you can see that. […]
– If I lived here, I would kiss all the women on the cheek three times. It’s a custom here, and one must respect the customs. I would make the best of this particular custom, for sure. […]
– Your men are handsome, tall macho types, I bet they’re afraid of women though…
– You have coffee shops and cafes at every corner. People drink coffee here non-stop. But we’ve realized that it’s not so much about the coffee as it is about the chit-chat.
– The person drinking coffee with you is not only your friend but your psychiatrist and priest as well.
When they go back to their countries, tourists remember the hospitality, kindness and openness of our people. Some define us as people with dignity and pride.
On the other hand, they consider us naive for not charging entrance to out monasteries, churches, fortresses, etc.
When it comes to sightseeing, tourists in Belgrade most often visit the Kalemegdan fortress, the Stari Grad and Terazije neighborhoods, the Stari dvor (meaning Old Palace), the House of Flowers, the White Palace, the Church of St. Sava and the Skadarlija neighbourhood. As far as Serbia in general is concerned, they’re fascinated by the beauty of our national parks.
Source: bulevar.b92.net