“The polygraph test confirmed that PM Vucic has never met the former director of daily Kurir or that he offered him something in return for making false accusations,” Stefanovic said.
Stefanovic confirmed that an arrest of a member of the Bar crime group took place after he was seen eight times in the vicinity of PM Vucic’s home in the last 24 hours.
He said that the police will carry out a detailed and fast investigation to reveal who is behind the campaign of lies about the prime minister and an attempt at destabilization of the state.
The prime minister took the polygraph test voluntarily in response to the allegations that appeared in Belgrade daily Kurir that he, his brother Andrej Vucic, Informer daily editor Dragan Vucicevic and Informer director Damir Dragic attempted to persuade former director of daily Kurir Aleksandar Kornic to falsely accuse Kurir owner Aleksandar Rodic.
Source: Tanjug