Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers, today mark St. Trifun, a Great martyr who died for the Christian religion, not excluding his significance as a protector of marital love and loyalty, all the parts of Christian sermon. St. Trifun is celebrated among the people as a protector of numerous crafts, viticulture and the inn’s above all.
In spite of the widespread opinion that this day should be devoted exclusively to St. Trifun, a large number of people in Serbia also celebrate Valentine’s Day. Under the parole that “love should be received, given and spread around”, thousands of couples have applied to swear on the eternal love exactly on this day.
Today, Valentine’s Day is being celebrated all around the world, and St. Valentine across Catholic Churches.
This year in Sava Centar, Belgrade, couples in love are going to be entertained by a singer Masimo Savić, while Novi Sad will have the opportunity to enjoy the hits of Goran Karan. There are also unavoidable street performers who entertain the passers-by with their romantic songs, as well as the sellers of sugar hearts, flowers, red balloons and other sparkling gifts that symbolize Valentine’s Day.
Still, it is expected that manifestation which has become a symbol of Valentine‘s Day is going to attract the largest number of domestic and foreign visitors again this year. “Kiss me” will be held on the February 14th at the famous “Bridge of love” and represents something that you simply must visit!
On the bridge, among hundreds of red, heart-shaped balloons, Valentine’s Day will be marked in Vrnjačka Banja as well as every year. At noon sharp, dozens of couples are going to send a honest message of love and peace with the kisses.
The charming, queen of Serbian spas these days symbolizes love, happiness and celebration of the marriage. Positive energy is spreading through the air, and even those of the “coldest heart” cannot resist the strong emotions. Besides the message that the love is the most beautiful and most sublime feeling, this event has a goal of awarding and encouraging those in love to cherish and spread their love.
“Kiss me” manifestation was held in 2009 for the first time on the “Bridge of love” in Vrnjacka Banja. Since then, several thousands of visitors attend and enjoy the competition, entertaining program, music, food and drinks every year.
Competition for the longest kiss represents the central part of the manifestation, and the winning couple is traditionally rewarded. From the stage of kisses, the oldest and the most attractive couple are also being chosen and a record of the longest kiss of 80 minutes and 44 seconds is still waiting to be broken.
A beautiful, but a bit sad story is related to the one of the most popular meeting points for couples in love and at the same time the most interesting tourist attraction of Vrnjačka Banja. There is almost no resident who wouldn’t know to say a few words about a great love of a teacher named Nada and Serbian officer Relja. Just before the World War I, two young people fell in love and swore on the eternal love. Their happiness was ruined by Relja’s departure for Greece on the battlefield.
The officer falls in love with a Grecian girl there, and Nada, because of the great sorrow wanes every day and dies in the end, young and unhappy. Shaken by her destiny, girls who wanted to save their love, started to tie padlocks to the bridge, and throw the key symbolically into the water. This custom was forgotten for some time, but one of the most important Serbian poets Desanka Maksimović has brought it back to life.
Inspired by this tragic story, Desanka writes one of her most beautiful poems and calls it “A prayer for love”. The custom of tying a padlock to the bridge is being revived with this song, and a memory of the great love continues to be cherished and transferred to the new generations.
We want to spend this day in a most beautiful way with your loved one, to give and receive the love because it is the most sublime emotion you can feel.
Whether you’re celebrating St.Trifun or Valentine’s Day, enjoy it either way!