Most of the Serbian residents don’t appreciate beauties that the nature gave us and the fact that Gornje Podunavlje, an untouched Nature Reserve, is more visited by foreign tourists than Serbs themselves is just a confirmation of it.

The Special Nature Reserve is one of the first protected areas in Serbia which has received the European charter for sustainable tourism of Europarc Federation.

This wetland in the northwest of Vojvodina is a part of the floodplain which spreads even in Croatia and Hungary and is one of the most important wetlands in the entire flow on the Danube.

gornjeBeside many plant and animal species which are one of the crucial features of Gornje Podunavlje, things which excite everyone who decide to pay a visit to this area, are the authentic customs, language, boats, national costumes and home-made specialties which are definitely a big attraction for tourists.

Those who decide to include this area into one of their destinations, can sleep in one of the many countryside households in the ethno villages in vicinity among which is Monoštor, the island which is also called „a village on the 7 Danubes“. Surrounded by channels and branches of the Danube, the only way to get to this place is by crossing the bridges. Coming to Monoštor by the boat is the attraction itself because it gives you the unique experience in enjoying the nature of the village and the vicinity. You can also try out the famous fish paprikaš with noodles, edenjak, riblja čorba and strudels in one of the village households.

Peaceful nights, tweet of the birds and scent of the fish specialties specific for this area, represent the ultimate combination for those who are yearning for getting away of the everyday things and enjoying the nature which is at out fingertips.

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