Located in a naturally clean environment, where the air has an especially beneficial effect on the respiratory organs, these climate resorts stand for true ecological oases, and many of them are known since Roman times. Apart from high annual levels of insolation, low precipitation and only few days of fog, these resorts are also distinguishable by the high ion and ozone concentration in the air, as well as the absence of any kind of air pollutants.
Due to mild winters and summers, along with exceptional healing properties, a stay in Serbia’s climate resorts is, as many like to say, a “rebirth of body and spirit”. Namely, enjoyment and rest in places that are surrounded by nature of astounding, unspoilt beauty, does not only benefit one’s health, but it cures almost all sorts of respiratory organ illnesses.
In the embrace of the green slopes of Golija, Javor and Mucanj mountains, lies the resort that is the first in Serbia to be declared a climate health resort, in 2000. This miraculous ecological spot is located in the area of Starovlaske mountains, and it is surrounded by natural beauties of the river Moravica valley. Its geographical position combined with temperate continental climate brings mild winters and fresh summers, along with ideal air humidity.
Besides, high oxygen concentration, the absence of fog and air pollutants make this resort a perfect place for recovery, relaxation and treatment. The main ‘weapon’ of Ivanjica Resort is its air, curing respiratory and neurological ailments, as well as alergies and aenemia for years now. And finally, the institute in Ivanjica for specialized rehabilitation (Serbian: Zavod za specijalizovanu rehabilitaciju “Ivanjica“) has been conducting therapies for these illnesses successfully since 1978.
There is a famous saying, ‘Sokobanja – Soko Grad, dođeš star, odeš mlad’ (Sokobanja- Arrive old and leave young), and it has been confirmed by numerous tourists for years, who come back rested, healthy and vigorous. The resort has a temperate continental climate, and its position between the mountains of Rtanj and Ozren endowed it with the presence of a great number of ions and ozone in the air, a favourable air pressure, as well as the absence of fog, windy days and air pollution.
A high concentration of oxygen and clean, rejuvenating air enabled therapy for illnesses such as bronchial asthma, psychoneurosis, neurasthenia, aenemia and lighter forms of high blood pressure. Besides, Sokobanja is the ideal place for the treatment of chronic rheumatism, sciatica, chronic gynaecological ailments as well as post-injury conditions.
Zlatibor is the name of one of the most famous Serbian summer and winter vacation spots. Still, a small number of people are aware of the fact that this urbanized mountain is also a climate health resort. On a mountain plateau encircled by golden pines, firs and junipers, the continental and the Mediterranian air currents meet, which results in a temperate climate, dry and clean air, low air pressure and a considerable level of ultraviolet radiation.
Vast, fragrant meadows and fields of daffodils, as well as favourable climate conditions turned Zlatbor into a unique health centre and an unusual climate resort. A stay on this mountain is suitable for treating thyroid gland illnesses, asthma, aenemia, metabolism problems, cardiovascular disorders, exhaustion and nervous tension.
Climate Resort of Vrdnik is located on the southern slopes of Fruska Gora mountain, surronded by plains of Vojvodina. A mild and pleasant climate, high annual insolation, as well as high amounts of ozone in the air define yet another ecological oasis in Serbia. Apart from the air, which is extraordinarily clean, this spa resort is well known for its thermo-mineral sources used for rehabilitation purposes.
The forests of Fruska Gora mountain and the fresh air provide conditions for the treatment of respiratory problems in the spa resort’s health centre, and besides the respiratory illnesses, the resort provides treatment for rheuma, postoperative and posttraumatic conditions, along with migraines. Due to natural resources, but also due to a wide array of offers for tourists, Vrdnik is becoming more and more popular as a destination for treatment, relaxation, recreation and leisure.
Zlatar mountain was declared a climate health resort owing to low air density, as well as a fusion of mountain and Mediterranian climates, dense forests and a considerable number of sunny days per year. The rivers Lim, Uvac, Milesevka, and Bistrica encircle the mountain, so it is famous not only for its healing properties, but also for its breathtaking landscapes, which turn Zlatar into a very attractive tourist destination.
The Institute of Zlatar, dealing with prevention and treatment, as well as rehabilitation of cardiovascular illnesses (Serbian: Zavod za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju kardiovaskularnih oboljenja Zlatar) that is set amidst birch and pine forests, is where cardiovascular illnesses, psychosomatic conditions following these illneses, disorders in arterial pressure, high cholesterol and sugar, general weakness and aenemia have been treated successfully for years.