It all began more than three decades ago when a few families decided to try producing this delicious red fruit. Of course, at the time, nobody knew that Serbia would end up at the very top of raspberry producing countries. Nobody even dreamed that people all over Europe would be talking of their specific taste and that people wide across Asia would enjoy their intoxicating fragrance.
It was also unimaginable that its vibrant, red colour would be admired by the Americans. Still, it happened. Raspberries have, in time, become one of the most prominent Serbian brands.
In 2015 Serbia reached 1st place in raspberry production. In the world. With around 100,000 tons of raspberries exported til the year’s end, Serbia managed to beat the previous market leaders – Poland and Chile.
The answer to the question of how the Serbian raspberries managed to reach the very top and what makes them so special, is, as we’ve already said, very simple.
The unique taste and recognizable scent of the Serbian “red gold” can be attributed to the rich and fertile soil, but to them being grown in small family farms as well. In Serbia between 80 and 100 thousand tons of the most delicious raspberries are hand-picked each year.
The raspberries from Arilje, Serbia are a synonym for quality and refined taste. This stands for not only Serbia but the whole world as well. This small town is located in the mountain regions of west Serbia and is adorn by many natural riches. Near to Zlatibor, Arilje is “cut” by the Moravica, Veliki Rzav and Mali Rzav rivers. It is one of the cleanest and healthiest environments in Serbia.
Since 2012, Arilje hosts the “Days of the Raspberry” manifestation (Dani maline). This event aims at promoting the farming of this fruit, and features many contests such as the one for the sweetest raspberry cake, the most beautiful raspberry-themed souvenir, the sweetest raspberry, etc.
This is why Arilje is the location with the biggest concentration of farms, the highest revenue, the biggest cold storage, the best quality raspberries and the special culture of raspberry farming. Here, nearly all of the locals are dedicated to one cause – the farming and producing of the most beautiful, tastiest and healthiest raspberries in the world. And best of all – they’re doing great!
The benefactory and healing properties of raspberries are becoming an increasingly talked about subject. There are more and more (popular) claims that this fruit can prevent the spreading of lung, oral cavity, esophagus, blood vessel, prostate, cervical and other types of cancer. Many studies have been undertaken to find more about the effects that raspberries have on health.
What has been proven so far is that some of the components of this fruit do have a positive effect in protecting cells from damage, aging and various forms of cancerous diseases. And besides all that, you’ll enjoy the taste of Serbian raspberries!
Okay, maybe not every part. But, the fact of the matter is that this fruit was characteristic only for west Serbia, and now it is being grown in places it wasn’t before. The first raspberry farms appeared in Vojvodina and in the vicinity of Svilajnac. The number of raspberry farms in western Serbia is also in the increase. The reason for this lies in the huge interest and demand for Serbia’s “red treasure”.
Serbian farmers have some specialities in the way of growing raspberries, adopted by years of experience. The raspberry rows have only two central main steel wires, and when raspberries have grown, the farmers just turn cross-lattices to make side supporters tied by rope. They use plain rope, to support bearing branches. In early spring season they have a lot of pruning to do. Fertilizing and hoeing also require much of manual work, although a most of the work nowadays is done by cultivator.
People from all across the globe are determined to enjoy the taste of Serbian raspberries. Because of that, each year more and more acres are held up by raspberry farms and more and more of tons of this fruit are produced.
You still haven’t tried Serbian raspberries? That’s a mistake you have to rectify as soon as possible! Even though they’re extremely tasty on their own, we feel obligated to tell you about some more raspberry specialties. In Serbia, the No.1 product is slatko made from raspberries. If you happen to find yourself in this fruit’s capital, do not pass on this homemade delicacy!
There’s also the famous raspberry jam, as well as juices and syrups which are made in a 101 way. Cake-lovers, worry not! Serbian women are very skilled in making such treats, as well as pies, fruit salads and even ice-cream from the sweetest, reddest raspberries.
Now you know one more thing you have to add to your list of “things you have to do and try in Serbia”!