The five women who worked as doctors, nurses and drivers throughout World War will be featured on the Serbian stamps. Besides these five women, Captain Flora Sandes, who was the only British female in WW1, is being remembered on the stamps as well.
They are:
Evelina Haverfield – the chief administrator of Scottish Women Hospitals in Serbia and set up one of the first local orphanages.
Dr Elsie Inglis – campaigner for women’s suffrage and the founder of the Scottish Women Hospitals in Serbia.
Dr Elizabeth Ross – she came to Serbia as a volunteer and tragically passed away during the typhoid epidemic in 1915.
Dr Katherine MacPhail OBE – remembered for opening the first pediatric ward in Belgrade in 1921.
Dr Isabel Emslie Galloway Hutton – joined the Scottish Women Hospitals as a volunteer. She served in France, Greece and Serbia until 1920.
Captain Flora Sandes came to Serbia in 1914. However, she enlisted in the Serbian Army.
The British Embassy in Belgrade wants to highlight more than 600 British women who contributed to the war effort in Serbia. The embassy wants to focus on their role in raising awareness about universal suffrage, solidarity and gender equality.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/