Winter days have been bringing  the special kind of spirit into the bohemian quarter of Belgrade since forever. That is the time when the tiny cobbled streets shine under the glow of the holiday mood, and the music from the surrounding kafanas keeps the passers-by warm due to the low temperatures. This is the year when Skadarlija will glow with another kind of light- the light of the Open Heart Street.

The sounds of the tambourine and harmonica which become even louder when the doors open, and muffled when a cheerful guest close them insensitively. The scent of the traditional dishes which is spreading around and increasing the appetite relentlessly. Smiling faces of the hugged friends who are singing one of the favorite songs in kafanas, and only a few bohemians tired of singing and dancing, walking back home late at night.

This is how the most famous bohemian quarter of the capital city still looks like years later. There are no weekends here because this is the place where you can dance and sing every single day. This is the place where you don’t need much money.

The only thing you need is good mood. The unique face of the heart of Belgrade, becomes even brighter and warmer during holidays- the time when the most famous kafanas in the city become the center of meeting with friends and also the center of life.

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Amazing spirit, delicious traditional cuisine and live music, gather around the people of every age, preference and assuredness, all at one place. This year, Skadarlija will probably assemble even larger number of visitors from all around Serbia and the world during the holidays. The reason is – the happiest street of Belgrade will be expanded to this place for the first time.

It is about the Open Heart Street, now the traditional manifestation which has become the symbol of Belgrade, New Year and humanity. From the spontaneous gathering, this event has grown into the unavoidable activity of the January 1st which every year gathers together more and more citizens of Belgrade, but also the curious tourists who end up in the capital city during this time of year.

„Open Heart Street“ has been organized since 1988. At the time, actors of „Atelje 212“ were the ones to serve guests in „Srpska kafana“ on the 1st of January. With time, this manifestation has spread to surrounding streets, and today has become the symbol of the entire city.

Positive energy, animators, clowns, street performers and actors are the part of the all-embracing joy which occupies the streets of Belgrade on the first day of year. Besides the great atmosphere, party, singing, music and performances, the special part of the event represents the charity action. The principle of the action is that anyone gives as much as they can, and the contribution towards children grows each year. trg otvorenog srca

That way, the happiest street collects clothes, toys, money and various gifts for the children in desperate need of help and support. Spreading the message that love, solidarity and humanity are things we need to cherish in every new year, thousands of people traditionally gather around in Svetogorska Street in front of „Atelje 212“.

The one-of-a-kind party is expected on the 1st of January this year due to the fact that the Open Heart Street will spread to many locations. If you want to become a part of the huge New Year’s spectacle, to laugh with clowns, dance with animators and help the youngest fellow citizens, join the holiday madness of the magical Open Heart Street!

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