Mr. William Infante, resident coordinator of the United Nations in Serbia, previously knew our country by its top athletes, especially the basketball players. Nowadays he is getting to know it by bicycle, and it is here that he learned what a “good negihborhood” means

infante-velika-f-200x300We knocked on the door of a building flying both the Serbian and the UN flag in a calm and and nice Belgrade neighborhood called Neimar. We were recieved by the hospitable staff and a man who smiled and greeted us with the words: “Kako ste ljudi?” (eng. “How are you guys”). That sentence spoken in Serbian language with an American accent by Mr. William Infante, the resident Coordinator of the UN in Serbia, further increased our wish to learn about the expiriences of a New Yorker in in our country.

You have already had lots of expirience with living in Serbia?

Yes, yes… i have already had one mandate in Serbia, and i have noticed that much has changed since then. The number of cultural events and fesivals that reached the worldwide significance has increased.

How would you describe an authentic citizen of Serbia?

Open hearted, friendly, pleasent.

In your oppinion, which prejudice about people from Serbia is right and which is wrong?

In the US people dont know much about Serbia. They know you mostly beacuse of your basketball players and the stereotype that you are a tall and athletic nation is mostly correct.

bill banat
William Infante on the “Biking Banat” tour near the Kraljevac lake

Serbia has become a part of my children’s identity because they are growing up here, and i have always felt Belgrade as my home. Not just because i have been living and workin here for a long time, but because the people are so hospitable.

The thing that Belgrade has and New York doesnt is that closeness with the neghiborhood, saying “hi” in the streets. People here are friendly and are always ready to help. In New York, people only hang out with close friends and family.

Which part of Belgrade does William Infante like best?

Its Vračar. I like the Vračar streets with their specific architecture. Especially the Krunska street.

What is the different about lifestyle in Serbia and the US?

In Serbia people live much more relaxed and more free than in the US. Americans are clamped down by the huge administrations and strict laws, while in Serbia People are more carefree.

When my kids go with their friends to a cinema in Belgrade i dont have to worry, while in New York i would be very worried.

Is there anything you William Infante has adopted from “the Serbian way of life”?

I definitely wouldnt be eating so much meat if i wasnt in Serbia, but it is impossible to resist all those specialties of the Serbian cuisine. Fish chowder is what I often order in restaurants.

What do you do in your spare time?

I mostly ride my bike and go on cycling tours. I have no time to enjoy the nightlife, but I definitely visit the restaurants. I am a frequent guest of “Zaplet” restaurant.

As a passionate cyclist, you took many biking tours across Serbia. How have you experienced our country watching it from the seat of your two-wheeler?

There are so many wonderful sights you can see while biking across Serbia. The mountains and the villages, the plains in the north… UNDP has recently supported the “Biking Banat” tour in which I took part myself.

I was fascinated by nature, the contrasts of the yellow sunflower fields, green meadows, blue skies, rivers… Truly incredible! Seeing a country by bike is maybe the best way to experience it.

Is there anything William Infante will miss when he leaves Serbia one day?

I will miss the dear people and the beautiful places.

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