They have a perfect geometric shape and are located somewhere in the hills of Povlen.
When talking about these mysterious globes, that’s about the only thing known about them with certainty. Still, one of the first questions that naturally arises considers the origin of this enigmatic symbol of Povlen.
By far the most speculation and dilemmas refer to the origin of the Povlen globes. The main participants of these debates are the locals of this mountain, located in western Serbia, and the scientists who study this particular field. One half of the surrounding villages’ locals claim that these globes are a wonder of nature and that they have healing and miraculous powers. The other half claims that they were created by aliens. The scientists, however, claim something completely different.
According to expert opinion, the Povlen globes were created as a result of volcanic activity. About 150 million years ago, when the area of Povlen was covered with a sea, these stone globes were made by the same underwater tectonic disturbances which occur today in Japan.
As expected, this theory didn’t manage to ’’put to rest’’ the numerous myths and legends that were invented by the locals to explain the origin of their unusual neighbours. This is why, even nowadays, there will always be a kind host who’ll gladly take you on a tour of these out-of-the-ordinary globes and tell you one of the many theories on their creation – from the one that explains how they represent the planetary system to the one in which they were made by aliens and scattered on the hills and meadows of Povlen.
Another conundrum that’s been sparking the imagination of not only the locals’ but of people across Serbia and the region for years now are the supposed healing powers of the Povlen globes. Do they really possess them? What can they heal and how? Is it safe to try? These questions remain unanswered still. There are those who claim that the energy emitted by these globes helped them and then there are others who think all that is just make-believe.
Still, there is a popular tale about a mushroom picker who felt a sharp pain in his leg while walking through the often impenetrable Povlen hills. He sat on one of the globes to rest and instantly felt an odd and inexplicable current. After a couple of moments the pain ceased completely. A plethora of similar stories exist. Yet, who is to be trusted?
…it shall be granted! This is yet another claim and the only proof for it are the people whose wishes really did come true. The legend says that one only needs to put both hands on the globe and make a wish for it to be granted. It’s even better to do this three times because, as they often say in Serbia, -’’God sent help three times’’.
The thing we can’t tell you for sure is whether any of this really works. Be as it may, we recommend that you visit this interesting mountain near Valjevo. And if by chance the mysterious and unusual stories about these stone globes turn out not to be true, you can still enjoy the impressive meadows, lush forests and beautiful viewpoints of Povlen. And is that not enough?