Around 50 showpieces representing his homeplace Idvor then and now will be exhibited, and the exhibition will describe his schooling, going to the USA as well as the Columbia University where he was the most successful professor.
„Unfortunately, Mihajlo I Pupin is not familiar enough in friendly Russia where the name of Nikola Tesla means a lot more. We are immensely happy that the exhibition will take place at such a remarkable house like Home of Russian diaspora – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, in the very heart of Russian metropolis,“, said Aleksandar Vlajković, Executive Chairman for marking the jubilee of Pupin.
His biggest inventions, details from his private life, encounters with the most influential scientists of that time, public figures and many other things which had left a mark on his life, will be presented at the exhibition. There will be a word about his scientific acknowledgements as well, and the Pulitzer Prize for literature that he won in the bygone 1924.
The showpieces will be followed by the legend in three languages- Serbian, Russian and English, and the visitors will have the opportunity to watch the documentary with Russian subtitle.
Source: www.rts.rs