Maybe you won’t find it at tourist maps, but if you go across the road of Western Serbia and direct yourselves towards Azbukovac, you will easily find Bobija. This hidden mountain gem will be recognized after its highest peak Tornička Bobija, which is different from the other ones by its height and thick woods.
The air here is not toxic, there is no stress, crowd or noice. Just nature with all its charms and beauties. From various reliefs that make Bobija an ideal place for the lovers of hiking, hunting, picnics and walking, to the extremely rich flora and fauna. Cold sources of water at very high above sea levels, and there are more than hundred of them, make this mountain so unique.
Azbukovača is mountain-hill area in the westernmost point of Serbia. It is bordered with Drina in the Southwest, with Mountains of Valjevo in the East and Sokolske Mountains in the North.
The most famous source is “Dobra voda” where is the famous log-church settled as well, and hundreds of them are scattered across the mountain richness whose highest peak is 1272m. Unique and fascinating sights represent the sources surrounded by thick evergreen and beech woods, endless hills and pastures.
Still, many agreed that numerous viewpoints that reveal the landscapes almost hard to describe are the strongest impression they have brought back from Bobija. According to the hikers and adventurists that have taken over them, unbelievable sights of Western Serbia can be seen from there.
Slopes of the near Medvednik and Jablanik, abundant and wild nature combined with the fresh air, are just bits of something that awaits you on the top! Surrounding villages and village households that a human had kept in its original form are also here, hugged by the untouched nature.
The largest ones are Savković and Gornje Košlje, where the residents are mostly in cattle breeding and fruit growing businesses. Here you can buy the best home-made kajmak, cheese or milk. And that’s not it. Residents will offer you a home-made honey, raspberries, wild and domestic blueberries, blackberries as well as various rakijas. Don’t miss the opportunity to take home with you some of the natural products without any additives.
Surrounding canyons of rivers Tribuća, Trešnjica, Sušica and Ljuboviđa are also parts of Bobija’s exceptional beauty. The biggest attraction of the canyons is natural rarity and endangered species- Griffon vulture. This rare kind of eagles is possible to see only in the Canyon of Uvac River. Besides the Griffon vulture, among the vivid landscapes, wild boars, roe deer, rabbits, foxes, squirrels, but also wild animals as partridge and pheasant can also be found.
The oldest confirmed remains of life in Azbukovina are related to the younger stone Neolithic age, while Bronze Age in this area is characterized with burial mounds (tumuli). People call them “humka” or “bobija” so it is assumed that the mountain Bobija was named after them.
There are less and less places where resting in the non-urbanized nature is still possible. Because of that, Bobija Mountain becomes more and more interesting destination for the true lovers of nature and activities in it. Here you can enjoy alpinism, speleology, paragliding, jeep riding, horse riding, but also walking and discovering the nature and a place where you will always want to get back to.
The proof for that is larger and larger number of people who want to spend time at some peaceful place. Of course, in order for Bobija to stay a unique natural attraction kept in its full beauty, the residents always appeal to the visitors not to destroy it. Besides that, the plan for this mountain is to stay an non-urbanized place where people can rest, enjoy and connect with the untouched nature.