Further efforts should be made to step up the rights of Roma and ensure their full inclusion into the society, Serbian Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic said on the occasion of International Roma Day, drawing attention to the progress made in the legislative and institutional protection of the Roma population.

Gojkovic called on all institutions and the civil society to devote attention to the problems facing Roma over the entire year, notably in the fields of education, health, employment and economic empowerment so as to reduce poverty and improve their position, the parliament said in a release.

“Serbia is firmly committed to building a tolerant society, based on the respect of human rights, in which there will be no discrimination against any group, and we must all take part in building such a society,” Gojkovic said.

The national parliament will continue working to improve the legislative framework for exercising human and minority rights and applying available control mechanisms so as to ensure a more effective implementation of valid laws, she underscored.


Source: Tanjug

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