Numerous educational, cultural, gastronomic and business events will mark this year’s French week which will be held from 16th until 22nd of November. From exhibition „Nikola Tesla in France“ with which the manifestation will be opened, over the movie „Standing Tall“ with Catherine Deneuve as a lead actress, and culinary delights.
Exhibition „Nikola Tesla in France“, which will be opened from 17th until 22nd of November, is expected to attract the most visitors. The reason for that is that there will be discovered valuable testimonies and documents that had been connecting the famous Serbian scientist and France.
During the two projections, in 6 pm and 8.30 pm, movie lovers will have the opportunity to see the movie that opened the Cannes festival this year. It is about a movie „Standing Tall“ which premiere will be held on the 17th of November in Uzun Mirkova Street.
Large part of the manifestation will be dedicated to gastronomy. One of the main events represents welcoming the young, French wine “Beaujolais Nouveau”, as well as the Baking Workshop where the visitors will have the opportunity to make two French specialties.
The Virtual Employment Fair is also organized this year, where 15 of the most successful French companies will communicate with students and the unemployed people from Serbia. The candidates will have the opportunity to go through database of the available workplaces, send their resumes and communicate with the employers in the real time.
In the framework of „French Week“ which is organized by French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the student debate “(za)RADI NA SEBI” will be held. Students can apply for participating in it on the website www.ccfs.rs.