Air Show Batajnica 2012

Batajnica Airport Belgrade, Serbia

This year's international Air Show "Batajnica 2012" is being organized within the celebration of a centennial of the aviation in Serbia and it takes place in Batajnica Airport on September 2nd with numerous guests from the region and world. In 2012 the Serbian military aviation will mark a Jubilee "One Hundred Years of the Serbian […]


Unnamed Venue Veliko Gradište, Serbia

The 4th International Festival of Ecology and Tourist Film Silver lake Tourfilm Festival – SILAFEST 2012 takes place on the Danube bank, in the town of Veliko Gradište, from September 2nd till September 8th. The Festival features the competitive part of the program which is expected to have about sixty films in the official selection, […]

Street Artist Festival 2012

Unnamed Venue Novi Sad, Serbia

For the twelfth time in a row, the city of Novi Sad will host the Street Artist Festival from September 6th till September 9th. The Festival opens on Thursday, September 6th, with the concert at Trg slobode (Liberty Square) by the international band “Playing for Change”, a group of world renowned street musicians. The members […]

Nisomnia 2012

Unnamed Venue Niš, Serbia

The Niš Nisomnia Festival is taking place on September 7th and 8th at Niš Fortress. Besides the bands that are entering the competition, the famous band “Ritam nereda” from Novi Sad, “Magnifico” from Ljubljana and Vudu Popaj have also confirmed their participation in the festival. On Friday, September 7th, starting at 19.00, film “Mi plačemo […]

24 Hours of Elegance 2012

Unnamed Venue Belgrade, Serbia

A glamorous manifestation “24 hours of elegance” dedicated to sophistication and quality is being organized for the second time on several locations in Belgrade from September 7th till September 9th. The manifestation includes numerous interesting events: exhibition and parade of oldtimers, fashion shows, exhibitions of luxury items, election of the most beautiful car… This year’s […]


Unnamed Venue Belgrade, Serbia

Unique urban and adventurous challenge will test even the most prepared ones on September 8th at Urbanathon race in Belgrade. Urbanathlon is a race full of challenges and obstacles intended for all those willing to test their strength, from top sportsmen to recreationists. The race has two categories: Challenger category for experienced and better trained […]

Belgrade “Rolerijada”

Unnamed Venue Belgrade, Serbia

This year's anniversary 15th Belgrade “Rolerijada” is taking place on September 9th in the very center of Belgrade gathering faithful fans of rollerblades. The opening of the “Rolerijada” at 10.00 at the Republic Square is followed by numerous races reserved for competitors of all ages, from the youngest ones to professionals. With rich accompanying program […]

The 78th Vukov sabor (Vuk Karadžić Festival)

Unnamed Venue Tršić, Loznica, Serbia

Traditional manifestation Vukov sabor (Vuk Karadžić Festival) is being held for the 78th time in Jadar, the place of origin of Vuk Karadžić, and it will be marked by rich cultural and art program. One of the most significant manifestations in Serbia is starting on September 10th in the Vuk's House of Culture in Loznica, […]

Pupin’s legacy in the SANU Gallery

The Gallery of Science and Technology of SANU Belgrade, Serbia

The exhibition "Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin – A Creative Coordination“ by the author Aleksandra Ninković-Tašić, is being held in the Gallery of Science and Technology of SANU (Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti, eng. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts - SASA) from September 11 to October 11. The exhibition includes poster-boards, pieces of rich archive material, […]

Exhibition “Artist’s Film International”

Pop up Gallery Belgrade, Serbia

The exhibition “Artist's Film International” is opened from September 21st till October 15th in the Pop-Up Gallery in Belgrade (Republic Square No. 5, entrance trough Beoizlog). Video works of eleven artists from all over the world will be presented in the Gallery. The Belgrade audience will have the opportunity to see the newest video productions […]

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