Sremski Karlovci Grape Harvest, Groždjebal 2012

Unnamed Venue Sremski Karlovci, Serbia

This year's Grožđebal (GrapeBall) in Sremski Karlovci is being held from 28th till 30th of September. Visitors will have the opportunity to buy all sorts of grapes, wines and authentic souvenirs, as well as enjoy the rich cultural and entertaining program. After the parade and concert of pipers from Sebia, Bulgaria and Macedonia, performing on […]

European Bat Night

Kalemegdan Belgrade, Serbia

The European Bat Night is being held on Saturday, September 29th, near the Gallery of the Natural History Museum at Kalemegdan. Citizens will have the opportunity to get familiar with characteristics of these animals, learn about their relationship with humans and find out how true the stories about their supernatural characteristics are. This year significantly […]

The 26th Memorial Nadežda Petrović

Umetnička galerija „Nadežda Petrović" Čačak, Serbia

The oldest and one of the most significant art manifestations in the country and the region, the Memorial Nadežda Petrović, is being organized for the 26th time from September 29th till November 5th in Čačak, under the slogan “The Big Sleep”. After five decades of its existence, the Memorial dedicated to one of our most […]

The Third Iraqi Cultural Week in Belgrade

Unnamed Venue Belgrade

The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Belgrade is organizing "The Third Iraqi Cultural Week" from the 1st till the 5th of October. Painters, film makers and musicians from Iraq will present the Iraqi culture at several locations throughout the city in order to bring closer their culture to the citizens of Belgrade. The […]

Joy of Europe 2012

Unnamed Venue Belgrade, Serbia

The traditional manifestation of children's creativity, "Joy of Europe", is being held in Belgrade from 1st to 5 th October, for the 43rd time. This year's theme of the event is in the verses by Duško Radović: "Let the streams flow into the rivers wide, allow the tributaries to develop left and right". During the […]

The Public Competition of the “Omladina” Festival

Unnamed Venue Subotica, Serbia

A new chance for the young, after 20 years! A once legendary festival "Omladina" (Youth) in Subotica is back in the spotlight this year, and it has announced a public competition for the new and original works by composers and songwriters from Serbia and the region. The competing authors must be 27 years or younger. […]

Balkanima 2012

Student's City Cultural Center Belgrade, Serbia

The 9th Balkanima, European Festival of Animated Film, is being organized from October 2nd till October 6th in the Student’s City Cultural Center in Belgrade, and this year’s guest country is the Czech Republic. This year’s Festival will gather prominent authors of animated films, students of animation and their professors from Serbia and numerous European […]

75 years of RTS Symphony Orchestra

Sava Centar Belgrade, Serbia

The 75th anniversary of the founding of the RTS Symphony Orchestra, one of the most significant music institutions in the country, is being celebrated with a concert in the Great Hall of Sava Centar on October 3rd, at 20.00 hours. On this occasion more than 100 members of the RTS Symphony Orchestra led by maestro […]

Evening of Real Aikido

Sava Centar Belgrade, Serbia

The Great Hall of the Sava Centar will host masters of Real Aikido on October 6th at the manifestation the Evening of Real Aikido, when numerous exercises will be presented in order to promote this sport. During this manifestation numerous top class masters from our country and abroad will try to describe the charm of […]

John Paul Keth in Gun Club

Klub Gun Belgrade

American alternative musician John Paul Keith performs on October the 7 th in Belgrade’s Gun Club. A day earlier, Keith will perform in "Mojo" Club, in Senta. American rocker will present the Belgrade audience with his second album titled "The Man That Time Forgot," which was released last summer. During his career, John Paul Keith […]

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