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The Marry Race


The Marry Race – sport, eco, tourist and popular manifestation, will be organized on June 30th on the Ibar River. The Race is organized by the kayak club “Ibar”.

Traditionally this Race has been organized since 1990 every last week in June, and the number of participants has been increasing lately reaching the number of 10,000 local and foreign participants.

The gathering of the participants will start several days before the race beneath the medieval city of Maglič, 25 kilometers from the city of Kraljevo.

Campers will come from around the country and the region to spend several days surrounded by the beauties of untouched nature. Maglič will play host to numerous parties and Kraljevo will host concerts and different sport and recreational events.

But everyone will be waiting for Sunday – the day that will be remembered by every participant in the Marry Race. The trumpet orchestra is also an essential part of the competition

Rafting on the Ibar River from the medieval city of Maglič will be interrupted only for a traditional bean lunch in Mataruška Spa. Many boats and rafts will finish the race here, only the most persistent ones will continue the race to Kraljevo.

On that occasion all kinds of vessels, mostly rafts made of different materials – plastic bottles, metal barrels, styrofoam, but also the more serious rafts made of wood and metal, can be seen on the Ibar River.




Ibar River
Kraljevo, Serbia + Google Map

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