The Drina Regatta in Bajina Bašta is being organized from July 19th till July 21st. The Drina Regatta is the most visited tourist and recreation manifestation and the central event in the Western Serbia. This year’s 19th regatta will offer a rich side program like in previous years.
Beside sports and recreational programs, the organizers have announced the concerts of famous bands – Legende, Kerber, Zabranjeno pušenje, Beogradski sindikat, Darkwood dub and Eyesburn.
The regatta starts on July 19th at 4 pm with the competition in preparing fish soup. The program continues with the Games without borders on Perućac Lake and the competition in swimming across the lake. In the evening visitors will enjoy the concert of the famous band Legende at the square in Bajina Bašta.
The second day of the regatta seems to promise even more fun. After the display of vessels on the Drina River at 4 pm and jumping from the bridge, follows the traditional MOST FEST – at the confluence of the Rača into the Drina, with the performances of the bend Kerber from Niš and the band Eyesburn.
The third day of the regatta on July 21st is reserved for the central event – the race begins at 11 am with hundreds of vessels and crews, accompanied by the brass band, floating bar, music raft, barbeque raft. We mustn’t forget swimming in the river as well. The MOST FEST continues in the evening with the performances of Zabranjeno pušenje, Beogradski sindikat and Darkwood dub.
Also the health and recreation fair will be organized during the regatta at the square in Bajina Bašta.
The competition of young and pioneer brass bands from the Western Serbia and the Moravica District and the Raška district is taking place on the last day of the manifestation. This is the qualifications for the entering to the 52nd Brass Festival in Čuča.