The Fourth Serbia World Music Festival takes place on August 4th and 5th in Takovo. The aim of the festival is to unite musicians and people from around the world regardless their cultural and religious backgrounds through a number of highly artistic concerts of ethno music.
The first day of the festival will host FA Šumadija, Gipsy Aleksići and Ođila band from 19.20 till 21.30. The legendary Zvonko Bogdan will be performing right after the ceremonial opening of the Festival, at 21.45.
On Sunday, August 5th, the performances of Matinee (19 o’clock) and Resjemheia from Norway (20.30) will be followed by the concert of the famous Serbian rock band Van Gogh.
The location “Takovski grm” in Takovo will be the center of new music arena that cancels all borders in music expression.
The tickets can be purchased at the price of 150 RSD, while the entrance for children under the age of 12 is free.