The 49th Ljubičevo Horse Games is being organized on September 1st and 2nd at the hippodrome in Požarevac where modern knights and horsemen are going to engage into a “duel” at racetrack.
The program starts with the ceremonial parade of participants in the “Games on the streets of Požarevac”. Competitors will compete in several disciplines: Ljubičevo all-round competition, throwing spiked club, archery competition, courier riding, spear and sward competition.
The winner of the competition, with the highest number of points, wins the title “Knight of Ljubičevo”, red knight’s cape and a sword on which a Chivalry motto is engraved: “Do not pull me without a cause – do not put me back without honor!”
Besides galloping, jumping and horse training, visitors can also see the traditional attraction – children presenting the beginners’ exercises in horse riding for kids from the age of two to seven. Besides these events, animal lovers can enjoy the horse and small animal exhibition.
Flat race – “Ljubičevo Cup” is the central race and event of the manifestation, in which best horses are competing as a test of speed, stamina, and jockey’s skills.
Since 1964 Ljubičevo Horse Games have been organized each year on the first weekend in September. The Games originate from the long tradition of Ljubičevo stables – one of the oldest stables in Serbia. It is believed that Princess Ljubica wanted to build a residence far from city pollution for her oldest son Milan who was often ill. Prince Miloš gave order to plant an alley of oaks following the road from the estate to Požarevac. A residence and several stables were also built. And Ljubičevo stables were founded there, on that estate that the Prince later gave away to the state. The name Ljubicevo was given by Prince Mihailo, in memory of his mother, Princess Ljubica.