The second in a row “Danubefest” which promotes the culture of the Danube, is held from the 31st of August until the 11th of September on numerous locations in the Belgrade fortress, and offers the audience stage, film, music, exhibits and book promotions.
Dunafest starts and ends with the “Poslednja plovodba Rige od Fere”(The last sail of Rigas Feraios), performance directed by Nebojša Bradić, while on the 6th of September within the program devoted to ancient Belgrade, the audience has the opportunity to see the performance “Eneida” (Aeneid) directed by Vlada Kerošević.
Beside the short films about the Danube directed by students of the dramatic arts from Serbia and Germany, the visitors can see the historic exhibition “Metamorfoze Beograda” (Metamorphosis of Belgrade) as well as the exibitions “Dunav u Austriji” (The Danube in Austria) and “Podunavljem Srbije sa Feliksom Kanicom” (Sailing in the Danube rivers basin of Serbia with Felix Kanitz).
The music part of the program is being held in the powder mill the performers are “Triad Vibrations” a jazz group from Italy, “Vojasa” whose music has elements of Roma music with a specific Hungarian spirit, Eugene Chadbourne a New York guitarist, improviser and composer, as well as the Serbian band “Serbian Jazz, bre band”.
Conversations about the books “Planeta Dunav” (Planet Danube) by Ljubomir Simović and “Pet dunavskih čuda” (The five Danube miracles) by Zoran Živković were announced.
Among the visitors the fashion lovers can be the first to see the show by “Eksperiment SO” of fashion designer Dragana Ognjenović, whose premier will be held in Maribor, the European capital of culture in 2012.
As a part of the Serbian initiative for the Danube strategy, “Danubefest” was founded in 2011 so it could promote the cultural heritage of the Danube countries and in the next few years advance the cooperation in the field of cultural and monumental heritage through cultural creativity.