Besides the alternative power, most precise calendar, Pupin’s spools, hydroplanes, the unique Law on Force and many other inventions, there are five of the unusual, interesting and controversial inventions that stand out

Machine for “rakija” baking

And who else then Serbs?! And for real, Serbia is known by its production of delicious rakija “šljivovica” (made of plums), so the fact that the machine for making it is pretty logical. There is no celebration in Serbia which can pass without a glass of home-made rakija, and this alcohol liquor similar to brandy is made by distillation of different kinds of fruits in this and other special machines.


Interesting is the fact that this machine is the first registered Serbian patent. Namely, in the archive of Institution of Intellectual Property Rights among many other patents, its place has found the one named “Boiler device for rakija baking”. The inventor is Milan T. Jovanović from Novi Sad, and the patent dates back to the 14th of December, 1909.

James Bond

Have you heard of Duško Popov? And of James Bond? We are sure that all of you have heard about the Secret agent 007, but what you probably didn’t know is that Duško Popov was an inspiration for the character of this iconic Agent. Namely, Popov was a double agent of unbelievable competences, adventurous spirit and charisma. Exactly these features have inspired Ian Fleming to make one of the most popular movies ever.


Just like James Bond, Duško Popov was an extraordinary spy, loved to gamble (it is said that according to this the “Casino Royal” had been made), and was a great seducer. What is even more interesting is the fact that  Popov announced the attack on Perl Harbor three months before it had happened. It remained uncleared why his announcement were never reputable, and big catastrophy prevented.


Not only that the first vampire was from Serbia, but the word „vampire“ itself is the only international word that originates from Serbia. This unusual „invention“ had become generally known when Austrian magazine „VossicheZeitung“ announced the report in 1725. in which was said that in the village of Kisiljevo had died certain Petar Blagojević about whom there were stories and beliefs that he was a vampire.


The most famous Serbian vampire is for sure Sava Savanović, a miller from vicinity of Bajina Bašta. Legends say that he became a vampire because of the unfortunate love and had been drinking blood of the village residents for the next 99 years. Although the existence of mythological creatures that circling the Balkans was never proven, this Serbian brand is still known worldwide.


Maybe Serbs weren’t ones who invented or patented kafana, but they were for sure first to open it in Europe. Because of that but also because of the fact that kafana is one of the most famous Serbian symbols for having a good time, it can be put into the Serbian inventions. One more reason is that Serbian kafana created the unique type of music, food, drinks and of course unforgettable time.


What is also interesting is that the first kafana was opened in Belgrade and it was opened one century before those in London, Vienna, Leipzig and Marseilles. Unbelievable, but in this kafana rang the first telephone, and in front of it lighted the first street bulb. Since then and until today, kafana was and remained the center of life in Serbia and gathering place to every important event in the city.


For the first time in history, a man had been melting the metal 5 thousand years ago in Vinča civilization, on the Serbian territory. This thesis had been stated by Serbian archaeologist Miljana Radivojević and had shaken the entire academic world. Although still remained as an assumption, a thought about that man from Vinča had found a way to outrule the nature and completely transform the substance is not impossible.


Exactly because the progressive culture of Vinča is old more than seven thousand years, and also the fact that Serbia has the oldest metallurgical findings in the area of Western Euro-Asia, over four hundred scientists have supported Miljana’s attitude. It can’t be claimed that the Serbian territory is the cradle of world metallurgy for now, but it can be considered as the homeland of metallurgy for this part of the world, for sure.

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