This news was brought to Belgrade by the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg who, at the pre-conference after speaking with Serbian Vice President, said that KFOR is completely relaxing the security zone and that he is abolishing restrictions introduced in 1999.
He added that it is a concrete expression of relation between NATO and Serbia. Restrictions that were applied to the part of Serbian air space do no longer exist, he said and added that that means Serbian fully integration into the air space of Europe.
According to Stoltenberg, the decision was made based on the Serbian commitment toward normalizing the relations with Priština. „Our intervention in 1999 wasn’t against Serbian people, it was about stopping the unacceptable actions of Milošević’s regime.
The NATO intervention has concluded years of wars on the Balkans. During the intervention we tried everything that was possible to prevent the loss of the innocent victims’ lives and every lost live was a tragedy which we are truly regretting”, Stoltenberg underlined. He expressed condolences to families who had lost their loved ones on both sides. “I am here today to start new relations between NATO and Serbia. This is the most important thing for us because we are facing many mutual challenges”, Stoltenberg said, highlighting that the cooperation is of mutual benefit.
Source: Tanjug