Some speak it fluently, so fluently that you would think they’re from Serbia, while others… well… not so much.
Hear Leonardo DiCaprio’s, Monica Bellucci’s, Nicole Scherzinger’s and other celebrities’ attempt at Serban and judge for yourselves how good of a job they’ve managed to do!
So, who do we start with?
We’ll start with one of the most recent Hollywood portrayals of Serbian. This is a rendition of the famous actor John Travolta, best known for his roles in the movies: Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Pulp Fiction and many others. In the movie Killing Season (2013), a story about two war veterans an American and a Serb, Travolta plays the Serb and in one scene he actually speaks Serbian. What’s your opinion on Travolta’s now famous ‘I’ve been waiting for 18 years’ line?
Even the award-winning (and as of recently Oscar winning) actor Leonardo DiCaprio spoke Serbian in a movie as well. This was way back in the year 2000 in one of his first films called The Beach. In this movie scene, a group of young people tries to entertain themselves by challenging themselves to speak Serbian. The sentence was in question was ‘Tomorrow I will travel many miles on my bicycle’. So, how would you grade Leo?
But it’s not only the Hollywood actors that speak Serbian for their roles, celebrity musicians do to during their concerts! It is sort of a tradition for bands to say a sentence or two in the language of the country they’re performing in, but you have to agree Serbian doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. That didn’t stop the legendary Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones from greeting his audience in 2007 in Belgrade with the sentence ‘What a lovely evening!’ in Serbian. He even rocks Serbian!
Julio Iglesias, Grammy Award-winning Spanish singer and songwriter and one of the best selling artists of all time, probably outdid any celebrity that ever tried to speak Serbian by actually singing in it. In 2008 during the concert he held in the Belgrade “Arena”, Julio Iglesias sang the famous Serbian song “Tamo daleko”. All we have to say is – Listen and enjoy. And well done Julio!
Two years after the Rolling Stones concert, the attractive and talented lead-singer of the Pussycat Dolls also thrilled the audience by speaking some Serbian. During the Doll Domination tour, Nicole Scherzinger took an opportunity to say a couple of sentences such as ’I’m Nicole!’, ‘Good evening!’ and ‘What’s up, Belgrade?’. All in Serbian. She got a great response from the audience in the “Arena”. What about you?
During her stay at Trebinje, the famous Italian beauty and actress Monica Bellucci told the press that Serbian is an extremely difficult language, but didn’t hesitate to give it a go. Monica said a line she had in Emir Kusturica’s movie On the Milky Road which goes ‘I bathed grandmother, washed her hair and fed her. Then she asked me have you eaten?’ In Serbian it sounds as follows “Očistila sam babu, oprala joj kosu. Nahranila je, i ona me pita je l’ si ti jela?”. With the word “kosa” (hair) coming out more like “koza” (goat) which can cause a giggle or two for a sharp-eared Serbia. Either way, we commend Monica on her effort!
Of course, these are not all of the celebrities who spoke Serbian. There are many more, in films, TV shows, interviews and concerts, so if you know any feel free to post it in the comment section either here or on Facebook. We’d love for you to share it with everybody!