The canyon of the Lazar’s river, better known as Lazar’s canyon, is the most impressive canyon in Eastern Serbia. With its awe-inspiring appearance it mesmerizes absolutely everyone who sets eyes on it. Just look at it! How could anyone stand before this sight and stop their jaw from dropping?
Carved out in the Kučaj mountain range by the Lazar’s river, Lazar’s canyon is the deepest and longest canyon in eastern Serbia. It is 4,5 kilometres long, and, in its narrowest point, 3 metres wide and 500 metres deep. Being only 18 km west from Bor, this destination is ideal for all those who wish to experience mountaineering, trekking and untouched nature in all their glory.
During the time of the Ottoman occupation, Lazar’s canyon was one of the most important hiding places of the Serbian freedom fighters (Serbian: “hajduci”) from Homolje. Entering this canyon meant salvation for them as the Turks never dared to venture here.
Lazar’s canyon also happens to be one of the most impenetrable canyons. The steep cliffs of mt. Malinik (1.087 m) in the south and southeast, mt. Strnjak (720 m) and Kornjet (696 m) in the north, and of mt. Pogar (883 m) and Mikulj (1.022 m) in the west make crossing it a real adventure!
Due to its unique and undeniable beauty, biodiversity and speleological gems, Lazar’s canyon, in it its entirety, is protected by the state of Serbia as a natural monument of great importance. So, what is there to see in the wilderness of Eastern Serbia’s deepest canyon?
The importance of Lazar’s canyon lies in its relief, hydrography and biological diversity. With more than 50% of its total surface is covered in forests and the rest made out of meadows, pastures, and rocky terrain, this jewel of Eastern Serbia is a true threat and challenge for lovers of untouched nature and wilderness.
Lush and green oak and beech forests, mysterious mountain rivers are not the only things that amaze hikers and mountaineers. This grandiose canyon offers even more enchanting sights such as a number of stunning vistas which provide breathtaking views and stone bridges made from huge boulders wedged between cliffs. Surprises lie at every single step, but that you have to see for yourself!
Lazar’s canyon is also unique for its diversity of surface and underground karst forms of relief. Countless karst valleys, sinkholes, pits, caves and limestone pavements are fascinating natural formations which together create the some of the most interesting landscapes of Lazar’s canyon. The most extraordinary sights are, however, the caves scattered across this canyon.
The eastern foothill of mt. Kučaj is rich in speleological localities. There are 222 caves near the village of Zlot. The Vernjikica and Lazar’s cave are the the most famous and fascinating ones. Together with them, the Mandina, Vodena and the Hajdučica cave form the Zlot cave system. So, if you ever visit Lazar’s canyon, don’t miss the opportunity to explore Lazar’s cave, the longest cave in Serbia, and the Dubašnica pit.
If you want to uncover the secrets of their underground halls and gigantic rock formations, click here!
Lazar’s canyon is one of the most important centres of biodiversity in the Balkans. It has a large number of diverse endemic and sub-endemic plants as well as 52 relict plant species originating from different geological periods. It is one of the rare habitats of the Crimean pine (Pinus nigra caramanica), a relict species of yew tree and a Balkan endemic – the Serbian Ramonda.
A large number of mammals dwell in the canyon – wolves, wild cats, jackals, mountain goats, otters and many species of invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians. It also the home of 96 bird species, the most important of which are the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, mistle thrush, bunting and daur swallow… All this is yet another reason for nature lover to visit this paradise of intact and untamed nature.
You can reach Bor from Belgrade either by bus or car. There are at least 5 bus departures from Belgrade to Bor on a daily basis. The bus ride takes about 4,5 hours. The village of Zlot can also be reached from Bor by bus.
By car you take the Belgrade – Niš highway (E-75) and when you reach Paraćin take the turn to Zaječar. When you then reach Boljevac – Zlot intersection, turn left for Zlot and Podgorac.
From the village of Zlot, you can reach all the interesting localities by foot. The Lazar’s canyon and cave are left from the village centre (5 km).
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