“Unfortunately, we received the information on Friday afternoon that several foreign nationals were killed in the attack, including the two staff members of our embassy,” Dacic told a news conference.
“The information is yet to be officially confirmed by the Libyan authorities after the identification process. We cannot be completely sure, but we got the photographs that indicate clearly that the information is most probably true,” Dacic said.
The driver and communications officer,Jovica Stepic and Sladjana Stankovic, were abducted in November last year.
The Serbian foreign ministry and security serviced did not have any contact with kidnappers, and did not receive any demand, not even for money, and did not negotiate this with anyone, Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said at a news conference on Saturday about the information that the two Serbian nationals had been killed in airstrikes in Libya.
“We were only in contact with the Libyan services and foreign ministry, as well as with foreign services,” he underscored.
The two Serbian embassy staff members, who were abducted in November, were killed in U.S. airstrikes on an Islamic State base in Libya.
Dacic noted that the Pentagon said on Friday evening that U.S. warplanes had carried out airstrikes on an IS base in Libya they considered a threat. More than 40 people were killed in the attack.
Source: Tanjug