Saša is not the owner of an ordinary sanctuary, but his dogs have the freedom of running around the wide land, but the financing of this “kingdom” is a bit difficult. Namely, around 90 dogs have been financed from the people of good will and the rest of them from the organization itself.
The video descriptions says: “Here they experience joy, good food and human kindness – often for the very first time. All of them have been homeless at some point and then we have accepted them and took care of them to the point of full recovery”.
Saša Pejčić said that there is no way of reducing their amount of food, but at the same time they cannot choose what they want to eat. „With winter coming, we hope to stockpile some food. This is one charitable investment that will bring you nothing but happiness“, he added.
This organization is financed by the charity website, so anyone can help as much as they can.
Animal lovers and pet owners know what the real happiness is, so why don’t we make other pets happy? Even the slightest help would mean a lot to them.
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