Eternal youth… Are you too one of the millions of people who desire and dream of this holy grail and age-long ideal? If you’re answer is “yes”, then we have great news for you!

You can find the elixir of eternal youth in Serbia!

You must have heard of thousands of creams and lotions which help in slowing down the aging process, in facial rejuvenation and in hydration of dry and weary skin.

But have you ever heard of a plant called “smilje”?

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Don’t feel bad if you haven’t because that is exactly cosmetic brands want. If you knew you could solve all your problems with “smilje”, you would stop buying all those .

So, what’s smilje all about?

Smilje is a Mediterranean plant that grows on sunny, rocky slopes and ravines, in the cracks on cliffsides, in abandoned vineyards and along side roads. Ancient Greeks knew of its healing properties and used it to mend wounds. However, smilje has, until recently, remained a long-forgotten and well-kept secret.

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Photo: Catherina Zavodnik,

Apart from rejuvenation, smilje has a number of other healing properties. It helps with bronchitis and battles cough, it acts as a sedative, lowers high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, it prevents blood clots, eases pain and strengthens the entire organism.

There a lot of species of smilje but the best known one is Helichrysum italicum. Its potential and value was recognised and used by the French who nicknamed it “immortelle” meaning immortal. And they had every reason to. So, what is it? It’s its ability to erase wrinkles, scars, stretch marks and bruises.

The only downside this plant possesses is the amount of it needed to produce essential oils. Hence its high price.

A ton of smilje for a liter of its oil

Why is smilje so precious and craved for? The answer lies in the elixir it contains in very small quantities. Smilje has very little essential oil in it (less than 0.05 percent), so it takes more than a ton of this plant to produce a kilogram of its essential oil.

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It got the nickname Immortal due to the fact that it doesn’t wither even after it’s been plucked from the ground. Anyway, its straight stem is covered in dense, silky fibres and it can grow up to 60 cm in height, with some subspecies even up to 90 cm. It blooms from May to July.

Also, you have to distil the plan fresh, not dry. Now it must be getting clearer to you why its price is so high. Yes, you have to set aside somewhere between €1.500 i €1.800. for a kilo of this essential oil. Women worldwide are pleased with its effect, and growing this plant is becoming an increasingly attractive and lucrative business.

Smilje in Serbia

And even though this medicinal plant has been “bound” to the Mediterranean, as of recently it can be found in Serbia as well. The change in climate has changed the conditions required to grow this plant. So, don’t be surprise if you find this miraculous plant in the beautiful meadows and fields of Serbia.

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Photo: www.

Even though the initial investments aren’t exactly low, those who have ventured into growing smilje have said that it pays back. The majority of the buyers of this valuable and beneficial essential oil come from the American and European market, while domestic demand still isn’t high. However, the future promises an increase of smilje farmers in Serbia and consequently an increase in those who wish to purchase it.

If you had any experience in using smilje for cosmetic purposes, do share them with us in the comment section below.

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