A commemorative ceremony has been held in Gracanica on Thursday to mark 12 years since the March pogrom, and Director of the Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said the aim of the pogrom had been to expell the very last Serb from KiM.

That was mass and orchestrated violence that could not possibly take place without thorough preparations, Djuric said.

Djuric underscored that the March pogrom should have been the last phase in the scheme whose aim had been an absolute ethnic cleansing and expulsion of all Serbs.

This was prevented with the overdue reaction of international forces, but even more so with the heroic resolve of our people to remain in these areas, Djuric said, urging Serbs to stay proud and courageous.

Djuric noted that Pristina had been home to 50,000 Serbs, and Kosovo Polje to over 20,000 Serbs and all those people – 247,000 in total had been forced to flee the province because of their nationality.


Source: Tanjug

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