Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said in Ranilug, central Kosovo, on Monday, that the upcoming early parliamentary elections would be held in the whole of Serbia, including KiM.

Djuric told reporters that parliamentary elections would be held in all Serb-majority municipalities in KiM and there should be no problem with that.

He believes that, to honor the spirit of normalization of relations, there should be no obstruction.

“I will repeat – as we see it, the elections will be held in the entire Serbian territory. Pristina has no reason to be angry about the elections being held here. It does not mean that we are making them express any political views that may differ from those they are already expressing and that we are aware of and do not agree with,” he said.

Djuric: Brussels dialogue to discuss ZSO, rule of law

RANILUG, Jan 25 (Tanjug) – Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said on Monday the main topic of the next Brussels meeting would be the implementation of the deal on the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).

Djuric told reporters in the municipality of Ranilug, eastern Kosovo, that an executive order on the establishment of the Community, as agreed on August 25, 2015, would have to be made.

“This is a key prerequisite for building basic mutual trust,” he said, noting that the Community could bring about far better relations between Serbs and ethnic Albanians, and consequently greater stability and economic prospects for everyone in Kosovo.

The rule of law will also be on the agenda, including Oliver Ivanovic’s right to a fair trial, which has so far been denied in the proceedings, Djuric said, describing it as Kafkaesque.

Source: Tanjug

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