Long-awaited reconstruction of Cvetni trg (Flower Square), settled in the very heart of Belgrade, has been finally completed today and ceremoniously opened to the delight of all citizens and in the presence of  the city leaders.

„We haCvetni-trg-otvaranje-01-161_620x0ve started the reconstruction of Cvetni trg a few months ago, and now, at the end of a year, we have the opportunity to fulfill the promised“, said the Mayor Siniša Mali.

In February, the square will become richer for a monument dedicated to the great writer Borislav Pekić, who had marked the 20th century with his works.

Mayor of Belgrade stressed that this was just one step forward in furnishing the center of the city, so he announced that reconstruction of Slavija Square and Bulevar oslobođenja, as well as the up-building of Hilton Hotel will begin next year.

Cvetni trg has always been decorated by the beautiful gardens of surrounding cafes and restaurants, so this part of the city has had that special spirit since always. There’s no doubt in our minds that now it will become even more popular meeting point for everyone.

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