“By entering the finals we have already achieved the success which not many could have foreseen. This acknowledgement is the encouragement to move forward and that Novi Sad, as well as the Exit festival, could be the best on the Old continent” said the president of the Organizing Committee for European Capital of Culture Nemanja Milenkovic, who is also the chairman of the managing board.
Milenkovic said that the titles of European Capital of Culture and European Youth Capital are not the goals themselves, but the triggers and those who give directions for further prosperity of the city.
Milenkovic said that the titles of European Capital of Culture and European Youth Capital are not the goals themselves, but the triggers and those who give directions for further prosperity of the city
“It’s only one proof more that the city is taking big steps ahead and despite the fact that there are lots of those who would like to degrade everything that has been done in the city, that improvement is seen and recognized by the independent experts who actually recommended our city for the finals”, stressed Vucevic.
He also emphasized that Novi Sad will continue to work even harder on the promotion of its candidacy, and that the achieved success is the best indicator how good and significant the decision to trust the young and creative people in managing the Organizing Committee for candidacy.
The success of Novi Sad is even bigger if we bear in mind that this is the first time it has been nominated both for European Youth Capital and European Capital of Culture.
Source: Tanjug