They have ignored their own fear and danger while helping people in trouble. They did not hesitate. Not even for a moment. They are the brave people with big hearts who were willing to risk their own life, in order save someone else’s. Heroes are all those who have helped those in need, in any way possible! Volunteers who worked around the clock in helping the evacuated people. The ones who were constructing the levees on the riverbanks in poring rain. Thousands of those who donated money and basic human necessities, and all the victims who withstood the horror and sadness with dignity.

Dejan Lazarević, a firefighter who literarily gave his own heart saving his people


Tired, after 24 hours that he had spent in the cold water of the river Jasenica which was sweeping the city of Topola, just as he was about to go home to rest for a few hours, came a call for help from a man who was using his last ounces of strength to hold on to a tree surrounded by water. Without hesitation, Dejan responded to the plea of the unfortunate man. Securely attached with cables, fighting against the forces of rising water in almost pitch darkness, brave firefighter slowly approached the victim… but the exhausted Dejan’s legs could not withstand the pressure. The cable snapped from the force of the water and Dejan’s body got swept away. Although no longer with us, Dejan’s immense courage and sacrifice will live forever in the memories of hundreds of people whose lives he had saved.


Olgica Šehović, fearless woman who saved hundreds of people from the city of Obrenovac


In pitch-dark scary streets of flooded Obrenovac, along with her diving team, Olgica did not have time to fear. With enormous desire to save as many locals as possible, she found the strength to suppress the tears in her eyes, and the pain in her chest, that were caused by horrible images she was witnessing. Her boat was crashing into the flooded cars completely covered by the icy and muddy water, while she was rescuing the victims among which was the ten-month baby. The terrible scenery of the flooded city will remain forever engraved in Olgica’s memory, but so will her bravery in the memory of the people of Serbia.


Slobodan Nedeljković nicknamed “Jumbo”, a Hero who lost his own family and continued to help others

Slobodan-Nedeljkovic-Dzamba- 1The story of a young hero from Obrenovac, who lost his wife and two year old son in severe flooding which occurred in his town, but continued to rescue his fellow neighbors, left Serbian people shocked and amazed. Even though overwhelmed with grief and pain, Jumbo could not sit idle and watch people in danger of loosing their loved ones, just as he had lost his own. Without any rest, or fear and concern for his own life, in the worst and most dangerous conditions, Slobodan continued to assist in rescuing victims, and became the Hero with a Big Heart who will be remembered by Serbia for his humanity and courage with no boundaries.

Milutin Radonjić, a brave High School student saving lives

Although only 18 years old, Milutin knows no fear or apprehension. Fighting the the impact of intractable and fast water which was advancing at a tremendous speed, Milutin was searching for people who were in a need of help. Sounds of the breaking fences and crashing walls, as well as the moans and screams of defenseless people and animals, gave the young men the strength to keep fighting. While passing by his house he saw two dogs which were already in the water up to their throats. They needed help too, and he couldn’t just live them! He took them up in his arms and continued to search for those who needed help.

milutin radonjic

Mirko Vukomanović, a courageous police office saves a young girl named Sara

When he saw the crying girl and her parents, who stood paralyzed in fear in front of the house which the water had already began to intrude, brave policeman knew he had to act quickly. Without fear or thinking, he jumped into the bitterly cold water whose level was increased every moment, and swam to rescue the girl. He grabbed her and lifted above his head, struggling with cramps and water that was already up to his shoulders, he was able to pull her to safety. By putting his own life on the line while saving the girl, this officer has done a noble and courageous act that made ​​him not only Sara’s hero, but the hero of the entire nation.

mirko vukomanovic


Courage and generosity of all the people who participated in any way in helping those in need, will be remembered as the feats that gave Serbia the strength to overcome this terrible natural disaster. The fight still continues, however, while Serbia and its citizens continue to be united, it will make the tough and lengthy process of recovery that much easier.

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