Is there anything better than sarma which is being cooked on the stove while it’s snowing outside and the home is being filled with warmth and the smell of the favorite winter treat in Serbia?
Yes, there is if you bake pogača or bread as well. For real, sarma is the dish that is hard to resist and which never gets old. Furthermore, in Serbia sarma is being eaten for several days in a row because as people say: “The more being heated, the better sarma gets!”
Ladies of the house and hosts cook sarma on a slow fire and for hours, and it’s made out from the domestic sauerkraut, minced meat of great quality and rice.
Its strong and unwavering taste puts sarma into the traditional winter meals which are mostly prepared for Patron saint days, New Year’s Eve and Christmas. However, it’s hard to describe sarma with words. Sarma has to be tried!
Baked beans, gravče na tavče or prebranac is also very welcome guest of Serbian tables during winter. Whatever they call it, this dish is hard to avoid if you end up in the house of someone who celebrate Patron saint’s Day or at any other event for that matter.
Beans is popular in Serbia throughout the year, but it’s being replaced with baked beans during winter time.
This typical Serbian specialty is made out from simple ingredients: beans, garlic and onion, oil, pepper and spices. What makes it so tasteful is the fact that it’s being prepared for hours in a special dish made of clay.
That’s why the baked beans gets its sweet and authentic taste which makes it one of the favorite things to eat of numerous winter feasts.
Beginning of the autumn is the time when zimnica is being prepared all around Serbia and its unavoidable part is sauerkraut. Zimnica is made from this vegetable and the simplest and most wanted form of it is sauerkraut with dried meat or podvarak.
Besides this traditional dish, sarma is also made from sauerkraut, as well as the large number of soups and salads, but the most favorite among people is peppered cabbage which is a form of a side dish.
The Master of zimnica and all the winter dishes is definitely ajvar. This treat made of peppers is the inevitable part of zimnica, which is being eaten throughout the year.
During winter, ajvar can be combined with numerous dishes. That’s when pršuta, cheese, čvarci, bacon, proja and home-made kajmak has to be on a plate as well.
For the lovers of strong, abundant and tasteful breakfast during winter, the famous komplet lepinja is highly recommended. The combination of pršuta from Zlatibor, old milk cream, crispy bun, eggs and pretop makes the perfect treat in cold days.
Sour milk fits perfectly with this dish from Užice and Zlatibor, but you won’t make a mistake by drinking domestic cold yoghurt with it.
Besides these dishes during winter months, certain is stuffed pepper but pork and lamb roast, grilled meat and numerous salads as well.
Although these are the dishes which can be eaten all through the year, they are better when eaten during winter according to many people.
What is sure is that to the taste, scent and specificity of Serbian traditional cuisine it is very hard to resist. So, indulge yourselves in the magic of winter specialties.