The tree in the city center covered with 145 Long-eared Owls is definitely something that couldn’t be seen very often, right? Exactly because of this, Kikinda made itself a unique place not only in Serbia but much wider. That is, this plain city in Vojvodina is the biggest winter stationary of these birds on the planet, and they have been cheering up the citizens of Kikinda, as well as the numerous tourists who come here to see this world phenomena, for 20 years.
In December of 2009, 734 individuals were counted in the very center of the city and tracking is being performed yearly. In the beginning of 2015, 528 individuals were counted in the city center.
BBC also reported about owls from Kikinda, and camera men and reporters had spent several days in the city in Banat, filming its unusual residents. The crew of “One planet” was fascinated by the number of Long-eared Owls, so they had spent dozens of hours in documenting the flight of these sensitive night birds, having stressed that this phenomena of owl gathering in Kikinda is extremely important.
Domestic and foreign ornithologist have the same opinion on this, and they have pronounced Kikinda the largest and most important winter stationary of Long-eared Owls.
Besides this, Kikinda has been put on the list of the 10 most important urban environments for wild animals in the entire world. The popularity of this Serbian phenomena has gone outside the European borders, so the regular visitors of this city are also numerous American journalists and reporters.
Education of local citizens by the concept of encouraging the sustainable development of ecological environment is of extreme importance. In order to keep the owls in Kikinda, it is important for people to realize how much these animals are sensitive and that any unreasonable behavior could be damaging to them.
Love between the residents of Kikinda and the owls is mutual. Large number of people from this town impatiently wait for winter to come because of the snow, but also because of the Long-eared Owls. These unusual residents give the unique charm to this city and attract large number of tourists, but also protect the place from unwelcome rodents. In other words, these night birds eat around half a million mouse-like rodents during 5 winter months.
On the other hand, owls haven’t picked Kikinda by accident. Besides the amiability of its hosts, beauty of the city and excellent food, the city has a lot of greenery and bush-like overgrowth. The owls got used to the constant city rush and have become the honorable citizens of the town in Banat. Today, they represent a part of quiet everyday life in Vojvodina and the reason why Kikinda has become popular all around the world.
Featured Photo: http://blog.leica-birding.com/