The genius of the 20th century whose inventions are still a puzzle for scientists, Nikola Tesla is greatly responsible for the functionality of modern society.
Nikola Tesla came up with the conception of a hydro-electric power plant on the Niagara falls then he was only ten, and he was also remembered by an idea many scientists still consider impossible to put into practice: that cars can run without petrol or gas using only the energy of the surrounding environment.
After Tesla died, the FBI confiscated all his blueprints, and they still remain hidden from the public. Tesla, He was definitely one of the most brilliant geniuses of the 20th century – a man who tamed lightnings.
Our everyday life is possible thanks to Tesla – a scientist whose origin is a matter of dispute among three countries.
Nikola Tesla, after whom the Belgrade airport is named, was born in 1856 in what is today Croatia. He was a Serb, but spent most of his life in the United States.
Once as a boy he was playing on the banks of a stream in Smiljan, his birthplace, and found a wheel, put it into the water and made a miniature turbine.
He told his uncle, who was watching it all surprised, that one day he would make another just like that, only on a much bigger river.
Years later, the first hydro-electric power plant, one of the world wonders, was built in Niagara Falls, according to Tesla’s plans.
It’s well known that Nikola Tesla discovered alternating current and that he researched the magnetic fields and earth’s energy. It is less known that he believed in time travel and the possibility to communicate with other worlds. He was the man who managed to tame the lightning and who saw energy all around us.

He claimed that no energy production was needed. Instead, we should plug into the planet’s energy field and use this internal and indestructible source of energy. And he could do it – his contemporaries claimed that he had designed a car that moved at the speed of 100 kilometers per hour only by using the energy of the surroundings.
At the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, where the ashes of the great scientist are kept, it will be demonstrated to you that a broken bulb can light up even if not connected to an electricity source.
Tesla used to sleep two hours a day, meditated, was a vegetarian and often isolated himself from the world. He spent his last days in an apartment on the 33rd floor of a New York hotel. The apartment’s balcony door was always open so that pigeons, with which he spoke, could enter freely. He lived alone but used to say that he wasn’t lonely because he could communicate to other worlds.After his death, Nikola Tesla was recognized as the inventor of radio, even though the patent was firstly attributed to Marconi. However, Tesla had much bigger intentions. He wasn’t talking about the transfer of signal to great distances, he was thinking about the entire world connected by information and energy. Today, a part of it is known to us as the Internet.
Nikola Tesla had never been a good businessman – he was a genius who gave us the alternating current, induction motor, the system of electricity production and distribution and more than 700 other patents, but he never knew how to make profit of it, or he just didn’t want. Tesla was in debts all his life and his researches were financed by his friends and sponsors.
Although he was thought to be crazy and was often ridiculed, all his projects were proven to be true, and his calculations precise.
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