Take a trip down memory lane and remember all those wonderful “relics” which are bound to bring a smile to your face. Remember how you used to drink yoghurt from that triangle-shaped packaging or how you used to get a Žele zeka from grandma? Having a vivid flashback of fighting with your sibling over the Sega Mega? Are you there yet? In the ‘90s, we mean? If you’re up for a blast from the past, you’re in the right place!

Oh, the ‘90s… For all those growing in Yugoslavia those were the days.

The days you’ll remember, if you are a ‘90s kid, by absolutely refusing to take off those sneakers whose soles used to light up! Also, by watching the best cartoons, gorging on the best candy and playing with the best toys!

Here are some of the things that the kids of today won’t recognize, but which will warm up the hearts of all those who lived in the days of Yugoslavia!

So, do you remember?

1. LOVING these ice-creams?

Pekabela sladoledi

2. Not sleeping because you wanted your LJUBIMAC to stay alive?

Ljubimac igračka

3. Being repeatedly told to put away the TETRIS?


4. SEGA being the focal point of your social life?

Sega Mega

5. Not wanting to take these off, NEVER EVER?!

Svetleće patike

6. The same goes for ROŠULE, even though you scraped your knees constantly.


7. Remember washing your hair exclusively with this?


8. Wanting to eat all your MIRIŠLJAVE GUMICE because they smelled so good?

Mirišljave gumice

9. Pretending you’re all grown up by “smoking” this sugar-packed candy?

Slatkis cigarete

10. Pondering whether you should give one of these to your sibling?


Kisele kuglice



11. And what about these forbidden school snacks?

Stari Gricko i flips

12. And these? They were like ćevapi but chocolate!


13. Remember drinking your yoghurt from these cardboard triangles? FUN!

jogurt trouglasti tetrapak

14. If there’s any memory of school excursions – it’s this!

sok tetrapak

15. Speaking of drinks, all hail its majesty – the STEP SOK!

step sok

16. Remember lamenting over STOPI when they pulled it off the market?

Stopi sladoled

17. Using these instead of tooth-paste?


18. Does the word “Cipelići” ring a bell?


19. Or “Voćkice”? Oh, Bananac Ranac, Roki, Boca, we miss you!


20. Having a ride in one of these?

Zastava 101 Stojadin

21. Getting this from grandma?

22. Getting too excited over a KINDER JAJE? And collecting all the toys in a shoebox?

Kinder jaje igracke

23. Cramming your palačinka with too much of this?


24. Eating these at birthdays? Much tastier than regular oranges!

Zele kriske

25. Collecting this for your PEZ bonbons?

Pez bombone

26. Playing your favourite cartoons on these?

vhs kaseta

27. Envying everybody who had the latest 3D technology?

3D igracka

28. Remember this?


29. This?


30. How about this?

30 zezalica

31. Or this?

zebra sibice

32. Remember learning your first letters from the beloved BUKVAR?


33. And finally, can you remember the smell of childhood? Oh, the MIRIŠLJAVI PAPIRIĆI…

mirišljavi papirići


Most of the photographs were found at the Dobra Stara Vremena Facebook page.

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